Micrometer Collections Binder
Binder for Micrometer to monitor the metrics of MongoDB collection.
Metric | Type | Description | Unit |
mongodb.collection.${mongoDatabase.name}.${collectionName}.size | Gauge | The total size of all documents for the collection | Byte |
mongodb.collection.${mongoDatabase.name}.${collectionName}.count | Gauge | The total number of documents in the collection | Objects |
mongodb.collection.${mongoDatabase.name}.${collectionName}.totalIndexSize | Gauge | The total size of all indexes for the collection | Byte |
mongodb.collection.${mongoDatabase.name}.${collectionName}.avgObjSize | Gauge | The avg size of documents for the collection | Byte |
CollectionMetrics(MongoTestServer.providerMetrics.database(), "pokedex").bindTo(registry)